When using our shop, we will refuse admission to customers who fall under the following prohibited items.Please understand in order to provide a safer place.
Prohibited matter
- 公然わいせつにあたる行為は禁止
- 2階(プレイルーム)以外でのプレイ行為
- 全裸または局部を出して歩き回る行為(アンダーウェア着用下さい。)
- 合法・違法問わずドラッグを持込・使用する行為
- 所定の場所以外での飲食・喫煙(1階での飲食は可能)
- 他のお客様のご迷惑となる行為
- ガム禁止
- 館内及び当店周辺での許可なき写真撮影(動画を含む)や録音、SNS等への投稿を禁止
※ ルールをお守り頂けないお客様は退場して頂く場合がございます。
- Prohibition of public obscenity
- Playing outside the 2nd floor (playroom)
- Acts of walking around naked or showing your private parts (Please wear underwear.)
- Acts of bringing in and using drugs regardless of whether they are legal or illegal
- Eating, drinking and smoking outside of designated areas (Eating and drinking on the 1st floor is allowed)
- Acts that cause inconvenience to other customers
- gum ban
- Unauthorized photography (including videos), recording, and posting to SNS in and around the hotel is prohibited.
※ Customers who do not follow the rules may be asked to leave.